Abhishu sharma



Abhishu sharma


Honest Conversation

Honest Conversation

4 mins

A Father And A Son Meeting after a long time (approximately four years)

Son: Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... What are you doing here in this town… and that too in this protest…..isn’t it a shameful thing to you to even come near PEOPLE LIKE US.

Father: No,,no… I was just going to my Conference…. This chaos comes in between… I was just leaving.

Suddenly a hand from behind touches the back of Father and this new person coming from behind, greets the Father by touching his feet.

Father: Long live My Son….where were you… I was looking for you Ramik.

Father and Ramik Hugged each other with much warmth.

Son( with a surprised expression on his face) : What on Earth is happening here… will somebody tell me…. Am I Day Dreaming or are we all transferred to the parallel dimension of our Milky Way………………….

After seeing Son's facial expression and listening to him, father and Ramik Smile at each other.

Ramik through his eyes told Father to now take up the conversation.

Father (with a sorrowful throat started saying) : I know it is v….ery har……d to………………..

Ramik comes in the middle of the conversation with a glass of water and hands it to him. He took it after saying Thank-you through his eyes and looked at his son, who was still not believing about what was happening …………………. Is this all real????? Was the only question one could easily read, which is fully imprinted on his whole face.

Father: ……………Son, I know it is nearly close to impossible to you to believe, after all those heated arguments between us and me saying repeatedly in those arguments that “It’s a disease” or “it’s just a phase son” and it will pass on……….and so many other things which I understood in these four years were baseless and comes from the shallow knowledge of mine. I know I took a lot of time to understand a simple thing like this.

Father looked at his son after saying all this… who was just listening to him with the same expression of “Surprise” on his face.

Father continued saying ..

Father: Now I know that “LOVE is just LOVE” ..irrespective of anything…Love is the PUREST thing in all over the world….. I know in my anger I have said very dirty things to you and unknowingly did the world’s worst crime, which is To abuse someone’s Feeling of Lo...ve…………………………………………..

Son took the glass of water from his father’s hand and took it near to his “ DRY as DROUGHT” lips.

Father( After sipping water from his son’s hand and then continuing saying): Believe it or not son and maybe these words do not mean nothing to you now and are just a bunch of Hollow words to you and I totally understand it BUT …………………….. I LOVE YOU son…… I LoVE YOU SO SO Much….. You have no idea , How much ME and your mother have missed you in these four years……. I missed “Us” my son…………..

Son: Dad…….Dad…….(wiped off his tears and pecked his father lightly on the cheeks and Hug him so tightly that even the “space for vaccum” was looking space to place itself but didn't get any)…..

Son: I LOVE YOU TOO Dad…..And I too have missed you and momma so SO much……

Father: Please come back to HOME son…. Our family is incomplete without you…. I am incomplete without you …… And Dear son, Iam an old man now, please Forgive me now .

Son: Ohhhhhh daddaa……… Please don’t apologize..

Seeing them Hugging, Ramik who was standing just a hand distance from them, sweetly requested them, if he can also join them in the Hug.

After a tight group Hug and wiping off each other’s tears, they smiled at each other .

All three of them placed their hands on each other's shoulders and were standing in the middle of the protest and now the Energy and Determination in the Voice Of Father in saying the slogans was the highest among all the protestors…..

The three of them looked at Each other and smiled and continued their protest.

PC(Post Credit): In the evening, while going Home , Son asked the father that when did he met to Ramik and How&when when they both became friends and then turned both his neck and curiosity to Ramik , continued his list of questions as - How Come he has not told anything about this to him……when did he has become a Secret Keeper……

Father and Ramik Looked at Each other and Father with a sense of Gratitude in his eyes, whispered a “Thank you ” to Ramik, and Ramik with his eyes full of Love and Respect whispered “Your welcome ” to father.

 Seeing them both whispering to each other, Son in the cutest voice, complains of getting a feel of FOMO ( Fear Of Missing Out)…… They both laughed on hearing this and gave a peck on his cheeks.

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