This is a very abnormal case of hallucinations This is a very abnormal case of hallucinations
"As long as you are happy and not harming anyone in the process, it is all fine," I repeated these w... "As long as you are happy and not harming anyone in the process, it is all fine,...
His dreams were recurring and was about him dying in a car crash. This dream began to possess him an... His dreams were recurring and was about him dying in a car crash. This dream beg...
I shake my head, there is nobody, nothing, here. I miss my happy hallucination. I shake my head, there is nobody, nothing, here. I miss my happy hallucination.
He didn’t even ask me to back down, he just watched. Is he real? Or just a part of my hallucination? He didn’t even ask me to back down, he just watched. Is he real? Or just a part ...
It was six months since their wedding, but the honeymoon period was still on. It was six months since their wedding, but the honeymoon period was still on.