"Good" is a possibility in every situation
"Good" is a possibility in every situation

Samy was a big girl now. She could reach the washbasin's tap without a stool. She washed her hands without a stool these days.
It was an exciting day because Papa had said that they could stay awake till late at night tonight. It was this year's last evening. When all three hands of the clock would touch the 12 number at night today, it would mean New Year is here.
"But why do the years change? Can't there be only one year?" Tara, Samy's best friend, asked.
Now that she was big, Samy could answer the question. "I know the answer. They would get bored, so to party, they made many years."
Tara's eyes widened and her mouth turned into an "o." She nodded in understanding.
"The only sad part is that my mom said no one will use TVs, mobiles, laptops, or tablets." Samy said while placing her open palms on her cheeks.
"Not even the big people?" Tara asked with a gasp.
Samy shook her head with her lower lip jutting out.
"So, what should we do now?" Samy asked. To this Tara replied, "I don't know. I really want to watch Star-Catchers on TV."
Samy and Tara's parents were seated in the living room, while the little girls were in Samy's bedroom, when all the lights went off. The girls screamed in fear and ran out the open door. Samy scurried to her father while Tara went to one of her moms. Tara had two beautiful moms.
"Calm down, baby. The electricity has been cut off. Let's light some candles. Nothing to worry about," said one of Tara's moms to her.
Samy hugged her papa tightly while he patted her back. "Let's get some candles. Okay?" She nodded.
Samy and Tara walked hand-in-hand with their respective parents slowly and got some candles to burn. It was winter, so the candles would help make the room warm too.
When the living room was bright enough, Samy and Tara's fear subsided, and they sat down and decided to tell each other the best thing that happened to them. Samy said that she met a cute puppy in her masi's house, and Tara said that her teacher made funny faces in class one day. Both the girl
s laughed when Tara mimicked the teacher.
Then, the parents laid a carrom board on the floor mat, and the girls started playing. In a few minutes they got bored. Tara took some powder and pressed a dot on Samy's forehead like a tikka. Samy went ahead and drew a line on Tara's cheek with the powder. Soon, they were running around the room, chasing each other with some powder on their hands.
When the girls were panting and sitting down again, the parents took out sheets of paper. They started teaching the girls to make paper fans and planes. The girls made them with the help of the elders. The parents kept talking in funny voices, making the girls laugh. Samy's mom spoke like a bird, speaking with chirps in between words. Tara's mumma moved her fingers under her armpits like a monkey and spoke like one too.
The girl's stomachs ached with laughter. Plus, they really enjoyed playing with their origami work.
Soon, it was time for counting down to the moment the three hands would reach the number 12 on the clock. "10...9..." The friends and the parents counted together, along with the neighbours. The electricity being unavailable made everyone celebrate together in the corridor.
"3...2...1! Happy New Year!!!" The New Year arrived. Everyone popped confetti and had some cake.
Both girls were tired and sleepy but satisfied and happy.
The elders told them that Tara and her parents would go back home in the morning. Tara and Samy jumped for joy when they heard this. They brushed their teeth and went to lie on Samy's bed.
They were sleepy but still kept talking while facing each other.
"I did not think I could have so much fun without TV and phones," Tara said.
Samy agreed with a yawn and said, "I remember my teacher saying that the Universe gives us what we need. The lights going off added to the fun, right?"
"Yes." Tara smiled with eyes heavy with sleep. "There is always something good happening in all situations... like the river told the clouds in that story."
The next moment, both friends were fast asleep.