Going Astray
Going Astray

Ramya was indeed the eyesore to many girls in college. She was proud to have strings of boys after her charismatic beauty. Her close friend, Adi told her about Ramon who was crazy after her to have a friendship . She was not interested unless she met him in a wedding of her close relative. She was enamoured of his elegance and etiquettes. They became best buddies.
Ramya was in airs, lost in her own world of fantasy. Her mother made her realise about the falling grades in her final year of graduation. She also reminded Ramya of her aim of becoming a pilot. Everyone was aware how the topper of the class, Ramya was distracted by Ramon as latter was also seen dating many other girls in the campus. He was on pot (most of the times marijuana)when he proposed Ramya. After too many conflicts and family disagreements, She was married to the boy of her dreams. After one month of their marriage, Ramya had a severe asthma attack. Doctor advised her to start the treatment which was refused by Ramon' parents as the couple was totally dependent on them. Her in-laws also accused Ramya of hiding this breathing problem. Ramon had no
time for Ramya as he remained busy in gambling, smoking, swimming and fighting.
Swimming was his passion which he had never left. It was also the hotspot of meeting all unemployed friends having all kinds of bad habits. Ramya'parents visited to see their first grandchild. The baby was as beautiful as her mother. But Ramya'mother sensed her daughter's well being by looking at her dark circles and feeble body. Ramya had to bear the brunt of physical abuse by her drunkard husband and jeers of her in-laws and her own parents. Her life was a literal hell. Ramya had grown weaker when her mother came to wish the birth of her daughter 's second girl child. This time Ramya's brother who was an established businessman also visited his sister' place. He could not bear the sight of his sister dying everyday who had fallen into the wrong hands and left her in a huff. He decided to end her miseries.
The next day, a phone rang up. Ramya's four years old daughter was about to pick up when her Granny snatched the receiver. She dropped the cradle and collapsed on the floor after hearing the news of Ramon's drowning!!