Anagha Venkatesh

Children Stories Comedy Drama


Anagha Venkatesh

Children Stories Comedy Drama

Ghutia Saves The Day!

Ghutia Saves The Day!

2 mins

Once upon a time, there lived a donkey named 'Ghutia'.Ghutia had a horrible voice as you all know - but she fancied herself a great singer! 

She had two best friends who were 'Monsi' the monkey and 'Dodo' the dog.

One day, the three friends were walking in their neighbourhood and found lying on a roadside. 

"Let's play football!", suggested Ghutia and so they went to a nearby park and started playing football kicking the ball hither and tither. "Watch my famous kick!", shouted Monsi and kicked it so hard that the ball bounced and rolled off into a street. "I am on it!", shouted Dodo, running as fast as he could to catch the ball. He was barking his head off the whole while, too excited - and he ran right into the main road. "Watchout Dodo", yelled Monsi in alarm. She had a very sharp eyesight and had noticed that an auto was coming down the road really fast the driver was looking at his mobile and not paying attention to the road!

"Oh no!", Ghutia shouted loudly "Dodooooo! Come back. Step aside. Look out for the auto. Run Dodo!". 

But Dodo was too distracted trying to get the ball to notice that these friends were shouting.

As the auto bore down closer Dodo and Ghutia were shouting at Dodo to move aside, but he was oblivious to their sounds.

When auto was nearly where Dodo was running, Ghutia suddenly had a brain wave! "I know just the thing I will sing a song to inspire my dear friend! And she started braying loudly

"AAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAH HHEEE HAAAAAAAAW AAAAAAAAAH" in her loudest voice. Dodo was shocked out of his distraction hearing Ghutia braying - err singing. He realized that the auto was close. Meanwhile, another miracle happened. The auto driver was also shocked upon listening to the loud noise and he became fully alert. "What is that horrible noise? Is it coming from my auto? Has the engine broken down? Has the tire burst? Is some clutch worn out?

Alas!!!" He immediately braked and jumped out of his auto and ran up the main road to ask for some mechanic shop. 

The shaken but grateful Dodo joined his friends who had noticed this incident! Thanks to Ghutia's singing talent, Dodo was saved. They laughed and laughed till their bellies ached. They then fell asleep under a tree, with the ball between to them and while a poor confused driver was still clueless!

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