anuradha nazeer

Drama Tragedy


anuradha nazeer

Drama Tragedy

Evil Effects of Smoking

Evil Effects of Smoking

2 mins

Lora started smoking cigarettes when she was a teenager. She continued to smoke on and off into adulthood, sometimes smoking more heavily when she felt stressed.

Lora was 45 years old when she started having stomach pain and losing weight. She was a single parent with one income and no health insurance, and she worried that she couldn’t afford to be sick. But when the pain became unbearable, Lora had to get medical help. That’s when she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer from smoking.

Lora’s son, Asiq, was 19 years old at the time. His young life was just beginning, but he immediately put everything on hold to become Lora’s full-time caregiver. He quickly learned how to grocery shop and cook meals, manage a household budget, schedule doctors’ appointments, and keep his mother’s spirits up. For Asiq, , choosing to care for Lora was simple. “This is the person who brought me into the world, so I stand by her,” Asiq, said. “Being there – that’s what a son is.”

Lora ’s cancer progressed to Stage 4 as it spread to her lungs, she had a tumor removed from her left lung. She also quit smoking for good after several attempts. After seeing the harmful effects cigarettes had on Lora, Asiq, is proud of his mother for quitting. Now Asiq  is certain he’ll never start smoking. He is preaching for others not to smoke and the evil effects of smoking.

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