M. Arnold was a great educationist. And all through his life he carried on a tireless crusade agains... M. Arnold was a great educationist. And all through his life he carried on a tir...
Discipline means the training of the mind so as to make it accept willingly the control of rules or ... Discipline means the training of the mind so as to make it accept willingly the ...
A beautiful bird named "Mithi" used to live on the mango tree. She had built a beautiful nest. A beautiful bird named "Mithi" used to live on the mango tree. She had built a b...
“But screw your courage to the sticking place and we will not fail.” “But screw your courage to the sticking place and we will not fail.”
The mind will be calm then only the presence of God will feel it! The mind will be calm then only the presence of God will feel it!
Another thing to remember is that in doing our duty we may not always give pleasure to others. Another thing to remember is that in doing our duty we may not always give pleas...