Mvishakha Shekhawat

Children Stories Others


Mvishakha Shekhawat

Children Stories Others

Day 20

Day 20

2 mins

Dear diary,

Hey there how are you doing today?

Mate literally the days are passing like seconds. We are doing nothing and if we does work then also at night we think that we have not done a single thing, it feels like no pain and no stress.

Actually, there is no fun in life without any tension or stress. I know that people are doing their respective works from home as I and my other friends are doing our studies by staying at home through online classes but the fact is that our fun was in the way to our school and all the other students going through the same route, students were all around us. And

the talk, all the way to the school was amazing. Asking others about their homeworks and when we used to waiting eagerly for the games period and the specially the view of the school during break or tiffin time was most satisfying.

The way of my school is kind of long so that way only, makes us tired and after the school gets over again in the dispersal when we all comes together the noise really increases and our teachers handle that situations very well. Literally speaking, yes! I am missing my school.

Hope that this lockdown gets over soon and this corona gets over as well.

Bye, see you later.

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