Apoorva Tyagi

Children Stories Fantasy Others


Apoorva Tyagi

Children Stories Fantasy Others

Cyson Wellington: How I Found A Lost Agent _ CHAPTER 1

Cyson Wellington: How I Found A Lost Agent _ CHAPTER 1

5 mins

"Thank you. I'd like to have that chit better. I mean... there's a square paper right there. Yaa, next to your 'Dough-making' table. Yes. Please hand that over. Thank you so much. Wait... no, no, no, no! Don't open it, you Bastard! Wait, stop! You... ugh!"

You all might be thinking what all that fuss is all about. Am sorry about that. Actually, I was on a mission, a mission to find an agent. Actually, my friend had told me to... wait. I think I can feel your curiousness through this sentence. Lemme just start from the beginning. Read on to know more!

I think you all must have read that book, "Thea Stilton: The secret of the fairies". I have. And so had my friend's agent, Lacy. My very good friend, Merchanda Bernandas had love mysteries and all that anonymous and fantasy stuff and she used to get involved in any 'Pencil or stationary stolen case' back at school. So... when she grew up... with the help of a lot of scientists, she eventually created her own secret office. Not an ordinary one. It is an exceptional office a.k.a MMP, Merchanda's Mystery Portal. There are a lot of different inventions there, to help the agents choose the right and tested gear for any mission. Now, one of the agents named Lacy had a very crazy enthusiasm about doing just anything for the sake of mystery. When she read that book I mentioned here, she too got very very curious about the land of Erin a.k.a Ireland. So off she went, without any help, like Nina (a character in that book) which eventually led her to a wrong and dangerous adventure. And she got disappeared like Nina. So, my friend, Merchanda called me 7 days back for help to find Lacy. When I asked her the reason to call me for help, because I wasn't an MMP agent, she said, "I count on you more than anyone else in the world. Plus, I think that you have a sense of anonymous work and of course you're smart. And another thing, 2 of my special agents have betrayed me. They leaked all of our institution's information in South Africa. And 100% I know that you wouldn't even think of doing that. Would you?" I grinned on the other side of the phone and of course promised her that she could count on me. A zesoplane had come to pick me up the next evening. Do you know what a Zesoplane is? A zesoplane is a kind-of copter which moves very silently, without making any noise, and can go in seas and oceans, underwater... and can even reach a 5-hour taking time place in only 1 hour! It's the fastest copter in all of Trinoshia. I got into that zesoplane and waved to the pilot agent there. He turned back at me, slid out a camera from the copter out of nowhere, pressed a red button on it, and started to fly the plane, not interested in even looking at me. 'It's out of rules, I suppose', I thought. We reached MMP in 15 minutes, which seemed like forever and I saw us descending into seaweeds! It was a big, seaweeds looking submarine where the zesoplane landed and the pilot harshly and impatiently waved me Good-Bye and flew away. Yes, I was all alone in that big submarine, with only computers and portals surrounding me. I got near the computers in that room and tried to turn it on, for some clues, but it wouldn't start. 'It isn't working, I suppose', I thought. Then I took out the phone of my pocket and tried to turn it on to call Merchanda, but it wouldn't budge either. I was startled. I cautiously started walking around that submarine, tracking my steps when suddenly I heard someone throw something on the floor. I got terrified, but still tried to make it to that part of the submarine where I heard the noise come from. I saw a swimming gear lying there on the floor with a note. It read, 'Gear, portal, wear, jump, like a fish, hooray!" I was disgusted at those break words. There were only 6-word clues to help me find Merchanda and to start the mission. I read the chit again. The first clue said, 'Gear'. So I looked at the swimming gear right away and my eyes caught my attention by looking at the 3rd clue, 'wear'. I understood right away and changed my clothes to the swimming gear and looked at the chit again. The 2nd clue said 'portal' and so I started to look around for portals when I noticed 8 portals in front of me! Now, How would I choose the right portal? I tried to match the clues again... but it made no sense so I started to walk around the submarine again when I found a brown note stuck to the Switches of the room which were not there earlier. I got a little eerie-feeling about this place again but hesitating, I went to the note to read it and I'm glad I did because…  IT HAD A CLUE TO THE RIGHT PORTAL! It read, "First letter, 2nd clue of 1st note. Color. Starting from the letter." I immediately understood the portal. It was the PINK portal! I jumped into that portal, with my gear on, and guess what happened next? Read the 2nd chapter of this book to find out!

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