Abhik Roy



Abhik Roy


Corruption A Path To Spirituality……

Corruption A Path To Spirituality……

3 mins

Since unknown and non-recorded times when living creatures with grey cells to reason existed have made provisions by various names like religion, culture, dogmas, principles, even also conscience etcetera….. to enforce few laws or customs or systems to either benefit self or the society.

Did I just say society????? What a pity!!!!! how did I think such, because it is only and always to benefit self……. Take any religious text from any religion, the scripts are having all the provisions for people of any faith to make meaning out of it casting in their own mold of ideas. On the existence of what has now been post-fixed with an interrogative, that god’s identity has also come under the scanner and is threatened to jeopardize the faith with courtesy from the likes of Danniken…….. So what we once believed to be said by gods may be mere fictions of a few imaginative minds who wished to preach their ideologies.

In today’s context what every common man understands by “corruption”, is only reminiscent of the ideological corruptions those were fed into reasonable anthropology that we embellish by the name, humans. It is more of by happenstance than by coincidence that Kaliyug has befallen us……. Different Yugs right from the SataYuga traversing through TretaYuga, DwaparYuga till KaliYuga now, society has stood alibi to different forms of corruption and deceits.

You might choose to differ, but if I recall any mythological (so-called) stories I am able to easily relate that with one or more forms of corruption.

To cite a few and compare them within present situations………. Vishnu incarnating as Mohini deceiving Asuras to seduce them and deceitfully possess the “Amrit” to pass it on to the unworthy gods; to people at resourceful and influential ranks making ways for their undeserving favorites, depriving the able and deserving ones. Many instances of Lord Krishna and as said “His” accounts from Mahabharata and Bhagawad Gita show sheer politics so very much alike to our present politicians who go any lengths with perfidy and immorality to achieve their goals…….. Lord Rama slaying Bali from hideout wrongfully to help Sugriv gain his (Bali’s) kingdom and wife…. Huh……and we shout calling the word “CORRUPTION” without least realization of the fact that we are praising and praying these gods for all these and so similar many more acts!!!!!!!!!

Well after saying so much I have started understanding the connection between corruption and spirituality…….. Surprising …….right?????? Yeah but simple analysis may work it out. Our religious texts filled with so many such stories clearly depicting deceit, treachery and falsehood preach us to take learning from them and attain spirituality and so can one become successful and happy in life. So true with our politicians today……. aren’t they the ones who are most successful and happy ones among so many of us………..??????

To prevail with the society that has developed its reasoning and faith from corruption has the only way to reach spirituality and that also through Corruption……..

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