Adeel Shaikh

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Adeel Shaikh

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Coronavirus: A Calamity

Coronavirus: A Calamity

2 mins

The world is in danger nowadays and the reason all we know ... Behind all there is a virus that even can't be seen by our naked eyes. Many countries are suffering from the long term lockdowns and some countries are facing the biggest calamity ever.     It's a group of the virus which can be fatal to mammals including humans, cats, dogs, etc. This virus is well known to attack the kidney failure and pneumonia type diseases which further destructs our body and decreases our immunity. It is mainly associated with the respiratory system. 

      They get their name because of the little bumps around their edges looking like a crown. Corona comes from the Latin word for ‘Wreath’ or ‘Crown’ and is used frequently in anatomy to describe anything that looks crown-like. This virus can't live for more than 24 hrs (approx.) outside the human body. 

    There's an outbreak of virus nowadays but its 1st case was seen in the Wuhan of the country China in November 2019. Since this virus is unstoppable and still there is no perfect treatment for that. The “incubation period” means the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms of the disease. Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five


     China, Spain, Italy, USA are some of the countries that are largely affected by this virus and they are still under lockdown situations. Medical workers and all other emergency facilities are often trying their best to keep the situation under control. The death rate in the USA before someday was nearly 2000 deaths per day but nowadays it's improving. Other countries too are in dangerous situations and the WHO also trying their best and giving the actual guidelines to prevent the disease. 

     The best to prevent the disease is by taking care of ourselves. It is said that "Care is much better than the treatment" And it applies to this. Talking about the country India is under the lockdown situation too and the cases are rising day by day even though the situation is under control and the death rate is too low as compared to the world. In India, Maharashtra is the leading state in the Coronavirus cases cause its globally well connected. India has also helped other countries a lot especially the USA as a request by Mr. Donald Trump. 

      So all we are definitely going to win against this virus and all things will Settle down again. This is a war against a small but huge virus just we need to stay safe and stay home. 


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