Moumita Dutta

Children Stories Comedy Drama


Moumita Dutta

Children Stories Comedy Drama



3 mins


With a loud holler, Alvin, the youngest member of the hamlet, rolled on the ground like a crackpot. The crowd stilled for a moment only to burst into fits of hilarity. People were uproarious. Every head present at the Sunday assembly went on an unstoppable spree. All that the minister could do was stare. As much as it annoyed him, he couldn’t help but feel proud of his tribe. Though a bit at ease, yet he refrained from joining the rest. He was yet to pass the judgment but was unable to come to terms with the truth.

The Truth: A stroke of unexpected luck for some and for some, it was a godsend pleasant surprise.

Arthur, a widower with two kids, worked at the mill for meager wages. An empty stomach, tattered clothes, and torn boots marked the fate of his family. Until the day, when he found an envelope in the barn, with a few neatly placed bills. He got tempted, but finally decided not to use the money without informing the minister. He patiently waited for the Sunday assembly.

Letitia was a pretty young lady who wished to have leg braces, so she could walk normally. Her stepmom never approved the additional expense. One afternoon, as she sat under her favorite oak tree, a shiny object drew her attention. She walked towards it, only to find a leg brace, exactly of her size. Tears and smiles played on her face as she picked it and headed home. Her parents were skeptical. They ord

ered her to wait till the Sunday assembly for the minister's advice.

Dorothy was a single mother, who toiled at the farm, to keep her month-old child nourished. While she worked, the baby laid alone on the grass, under a shade. Though a far-fetched dream, yet, she wished for a buggy to keep the baby safe. And then, one morning, she was astonished to find a brand new stroller right outside her house. She asked her neighbors, but none knew about it. So she decided to ask the minister during the Sunday assembly and put it safely in one corner.

Alfred, Samson Jr., Judith, old man Henry, and a few others, vouched of seeing spirits lurking around their hamlet. They had their own stories, though each was entirely different from the other. They wanted to share it with the minister and eagerly waited for the Sunday assembly.

Peter was a master of disguise who wanted to be the Good Samaritan. The only one to know about his deeds and desire was Alvin. He knew the secret about the spirits, the envelope that Arthur found, Letitia’s leg brace, and the buggy that Dorothy received.

During the Sunday gathering, each spoke of their experience. Murmurs filled the air while the minister sat wondering. None had a clue, so all made bizarre guesses. Until Peter’s acknowledgment, Alvin unmasked the truth to stabilize the situation. Every face turned towards him, and Alvin burst into fits of laughter.

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