Inspector told them that Suresh's plan was perfect, but God's plan was even more perfect. Inspector told them that Suresh's plan was perfect, but God's plan was even more...
A story, which is a small tribute to the actress Sridevi who has left her mortal body, RIP. A story, which is a small tribute to the actress Sridevi who has left her mortal...
Kamla was the famous actress of her days. Her memories are still alive among her fans. Kamla was the famous actress of her days. Her memories are still alive among her...
Rebilika stood on the set and acted very happy,she was not nervous at all! smiled on each a every sc... Rebilika stood on the set and acted very happy,she was not nervous at all! smile...
I entered the police station with my face fully covered. Inspector Shiva recognized me at once, I entered the police station with my face fully covered. Inspector Shiva recogni...
The alarm on my mobile phone rang in my ears. I rolled off the bed. I took out the piece of paper on... The alarm on my mobile phone rang in my ears. I rolled off the bed. I took out t...