A Sunday Holiday

A Sunday Holiday

5 mins

Chintu could not believe it was Sunday tomorrow, he kept looking at the watch which granny gave,

The watch had red strip and shining steel- the algebra teacher was explaining Pi and he had no interest what’s happening on the board, he was seated at the corner of the second last bench and the window was wide open – whenever the miss looked everyone at the class he acted attentive for a while and while she wrote something on the board with chalk it made a screeching sound,

The window was half broken as the entire classroom was dilapidated, outside the window he saw lower grade students playing kabaddi and few were sitting in the shade – the sun was loud and due to extreme heat, not every student played that day. He was constantly gazing at a kid who had was sitting near to the tree and eating something taking out from his tiny pockets- while he’s attention became clear he saw he is eating small chocolates wrapped in plastic which is rear in that vicinity.

The kid did not share any chocolates to any of his friends, he got a smack on his back – as he looked at back the entire class looking at him and giggling, the algebra teacher looking at him with a purpose of smacking him more.

So, the next scene is, Chintu kneeling down outside the classroom and every passerby of different grades looking at him and laughing discreetly – the knee was hurting and it was the last period, he felt solace realizing it was Saturday after half an hour he will be on the field playing cricket or catching a dragonfly.

He felt thirsty and asked one of the guys passing by to fetch him water but the boy ran away like he saw a criminal. It was still 15 minutes more, and it felt like ages, the knee was hurting and a sore throat – he imagined playing and drinking water, imagining about having paneer and rice which mom especially made for today. He started salivating the delicious dish mom made at home,

One of the physical training teachers was passing through the corridor who had a reputation poking his nose in other’s business, as he approached near, Chintu looked elsewhere not to catch hold of his eyes.

He sauntered, and walked away – he sensed relief and this time he’s knees couldn’t stand this anymore so he stood for a while and looked closely at the watch for his surprise it was exactly 3 30 pm. Happiness rushed through his veins, he came close to the door and saw the teacher is smacking some other kid, he laughed coyly, thinking how lucky he is punished. It took nearly 5 minute

s more for her to complete her punishment, Chintu was restless and wanted to disappear from the school.

The bell rang, like it was an apocalypse- all the kids from all division ran towards the gate – out of excitement he ran inside to get his bag, all the 55 students were coming out from the narrow classroom door- so he had difficulty getting to the last bench, he adjusted but couldn’t see his bag there, sense of fear ran through his spine – all the excitement of the Sunday went down the drain.

How will he come on Monday, all the books and were inside it- what will inform his mom?

Chintu stood there without moving and shivering from leg to spine, he went to the peon and asked,

Did you see a black bag, on class 3b second last row, he said being apprehensive?

I did not, I am here I did not even go that class, he replied casually.

Chintu scratched his head, worried walked to the teacher's room, as he entered there was no one except a woman cleaning the glass table sitting in the middle. He looked around whether he’s bag would be kept but it was all in vain. A tear rolled down his cheeks and he walked slowly to the exit of the classroom.

All the students left, now only the cleaners and the peon sitting there and chit chatting.

He decided to ask for the last time, as he approached near one of the peons yelled from the corridor to go home, he will get the bag on Monday- he added re-assuring words and resumed chit chatting

With his head down he was walking towards the school exit, his legs were aching he forgot the excitement of the Sunday and the food at home, the sun looked brighter and the thirst in him gave him a nauseous feeling. After drinking a fair amount of water, tilting his head under the tap. He relaxed for a while.

As he sat close to the water bay, he realized what will become of him this evening when he has to inform his father – which he has lost his bag and now all the books have to be purchased again.

He tiptoed and walked home, sat on the chair close to the tv – it was 4 o clock and he did not even play today, while he was thinking of the repercussion, he had a glanced at the door and he saw his bag was kept on the hanger- with sheer excitement he ran to see mom-

How my bag came here? He asked with excitement

Mrs. Chakraborty came and said you forgot your bag at school and she searched for you all over but you were gone.

Before she completes her statement Chintu ran away outside to play

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