Amitosh Sharma

Drama Horror Tragedy


Amitosh Sharma

Drama Horror Tragedy

A Miraculous Rescue

A Miraculous Rescue

3 mins

It's a story of a young lad living in a region of terrifying terror, 

And his 'Moral Courage' truly defined the well-known phrase, "Survival of the fittest".

It was the time when the world was gripped by the web of fear spread by the deadly devil Covid-19. It was a pandemic era and we were under the Lockdown period because around 170 million people were struggling for their survival and about 3.5 million people are among those who had struggled a lot still failed to survive.

We the people were strictly instructed to wear a mask, maintain social distance, keep sanitising at regular intervals and not leave home without any urgent measures. The doctor's advice was to maintain a balanced diet as that was the only key to keep our immune system strong which could fight this deadly virus. According to the doctor, coronavirus attacks more to a child, an old age, or an i'll-body because their immune system was not that powerful to defeat this deadly devil. 

Hence the young age was working the most because their mind was handling fear of death from starvation before the death by this powerful virus. 

That young guy was too among them. He used to live with three others having the same age group and they all were working. 

One day, one of those three got caught by fever after few days the other and lastly that third one too. Everyone there though that it's a viral fever because of a weather change. As it continues for three to four days, then one of them got afraid as his mind was hinting him of that terror from that deadly virus. But that brave boy was giving them a positive strength and was too caring for them. 

One fine evening a guy enters the flat wearing a PPE kit for their covid test. He took their s

amples and left them saying, "You'll get its result on your what's app by tomorrow". 

That night was Dark & Dreadful and their faces were down & dead. The only light of hope was coming from that courageous guy, as he was saying, "Don't worry, what worse than a 'Positive' will come! We are young blood our Immune system will surely survive, have faith bro". 

Finally, that scary morning came and their fear becomes real and leaving that young brave blood everyone was positive. Look at the irony of the time, the most motivational word 'positive' was suggesting the scariest meaning 'death'. 

Then one of the three told that young lad, 'Save yourself, bro, we are nothing less than a 'human bomb, now don't stay with us go somewhere else at least for 15days'. As it takes 15 days to get recovered and defeat corona if supervised under good medical care. But instead of thinking about his own life, he thought of them that, 'how will they survive now, among them no one can go outside, they have to be in self-quarantine, who will visit out for any medical reasons or market groceries'. He said: "Calm down, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here for you all and I'm sure you all will survive, what you all have to maintain is a proper diet, and you all will defeat coronavirus". The next day that courageous fellow too went for his covid test and his result was nothing less than a shock, it was negative. Living with three 'human bomb sharing everything together still if he survived, it was nothing less than a miracle, and I had listened that only God does such miracle. 

I think in his case too same thing happened, as he was a devotee of Lord Shiva, might be Shiva had immense grace on him and the power of his true devotion had paid off today. 

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