That Blind 'A Masterpiece'
That Blind 'A Masterpiece'

I still remember that sunny day of that fine January with winter winds waving all around. I was at a mall for some winter shopping, after finishing I was tired enough to just book a cab which could drop me back home. And while waiting for the driver to come, suddenly something sucks my mind and that was the sound of a bus conductor shouting my nearby location. Being a boy with a middle-class attitude, I thought of saving huge money as the bus was the cheapest mode of transportation compared to the cab.
I was traveling in a passenger bus with lots of crowds cooking cucumbers in their own native language.
Then at a signal, one strange-looking muddle-headed man enters with a loud high pitched voice,
As he was a seller, he used to sell agarbatti and few more things, for his living.
I haven't bought anything at that time because his appearance was too confusing and strange, so I was just trying
my best to figure his reality.
And when it finally came it appears as a shock but heartly I was proud of the reality as I was witnessing a real heroic act of motivation. As that strange man was blind but his self-respect and workaholic character were challenging the god's ailments. My head was high as he was a real masterpiece for me because though he was disabled, he was not like a common human, but his act was a lesson to many common humans as he never lets his lack dominates him to beg.
His belief that instead of 4 pieces of bread earned by begging I would proudly prefer 2 for my survival earned by hard work and respect, touches my soul.
Now I can say;
"A True workaholic can challenge any ailments, even of God's!
And Such a heroic act by such a common human,
Is a real masterpiece & a true motivation,
And after demise, they acquire a place of God's"!!