World We See
World We See

Is the darkness in or out,
Or is it light that hides darkness.
Beauty of the world I see,
Oh, the world we see is mystical,
It's a wonder on its own,
Ocean, mountain, palace, hell, and heaven,
Collaborated inside our consciousness,
Enhance the mysterious senses,
Our senses, which we tend to suppress.
Have your ears and eyes open,
Listen! Embrace the light in you;
Witness the beauty of creator,
Be one with the world to know unknown,
Greater power which exists is ours,
Listen and believe in yourself,
Perhaps light will conquer darkness.
Do you wonder what is light and darkness,
Might be or may be,
Light is the power of your heart,
Darkness- fickleness of mind,
Perception varies,
Choose your light and darkness.