Who Am I?
Who Am I?

Who am I?
Standing in this box -
A four-walled structure
Of brick sand and thoughts
I walk out of this box
Just to get into another
With four wheels and a steering
To reach my place of work
I walk out of that again
To get into one more
The cubicle at my work place
To perform another role
What follows next
As the dusk starts to set
I again change boxes
In the reverse flow to bed
Who am I?
Is a question
That haunts me everyday
Changing boxes and roles
Every now and then
Who am I?
Is a question
I often ask myself
Am I someone
More or lesser
From the several roles I dress
Changing characters
And attires
I often get perplexed
Don't we at times
Fake ourselves
With fabricated faces
Who am I?
I still ponder
Trying to get out of
Another box
I want to get liberated
Of all constraints and bonds
And that way
May be some time
I will have a notion
That may satiate
My perpetual quest
And I may settle
With an answer
To the question -
Who am I?