Renz Yu



Renz Yu


What Is Love Made Of?

What Is Love Made Of?

1 min

As I kept on searching for love,

How it’s created,

And what material was used,

I lost and was puzzled,

Then I saw something I’ve never seen before –

I saw what seemed to be familiar but can’t be recognized.

I found the unusual and what they called in multifold names -

Endless, unconditional, pure, comforting, selfless ….

I saw it! 

When I wander on the field of thorns,

When the glimpse of the cobwebs turned into a precious jewel,

When the ants queued for survival,

When the colors of trees shunned in silence,

When the cotton in the firmament shaped into faces, into figures,

And when the sun turned to orange and sooner to a yellowish-red.

I felt a drizzle on my cheeks

And a paint on my face I rarely see.


That day made a difference.

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