Waters That Carry Faith
Waters That Carry Faith
The waters that carry faith...
The hues they drown
Reflections emerging the same
In dull blues, greys and brown
Auburn sometimes for there are...
Fires in the heart
And on the wood piles
Along the waters that carry faith
On its surface and deep down
Winds bellowing with human forms...
Taking some of them away
Freed souls...
Sacre destination
To a higher unknown
For some the start for some the end...
Bowed heads with a conflicted mind
In front of the waters that carry faith
Flowing religiously night and day
Descending down the steps
Some easy some steep...
Slowing down panting
As hesitations run deep
A plunge or a cringe
Petals floating but there's more beneath
Layers hid no purpose revealed
Of the waters that not just carry faith
But sprinkling the seeds of belief