The Warzone

The Warzone

2 mins

The beast stood in front, was a reflection,

He thrashes you, by living within.

You scream for help, but no one hears it.

Knock him off, run away from the crowd

When he overpowers you with the temptation of reaction.

He hails from your fear and attention.

When the beast doesn't adore, why can't you ignore?

When you have many good qualities,

Why are you allowing, him to ruin?

He is part of your thought process, wants to ruin you, with words.

You are a better person than he thinks.

Be affirmative, with a powerful voice, and let it be heard, with confidence.

Live, as if the world, is going to end tomorrow.

Think about the life of people, who are leading a miserable life.

Think about the kids, in the war zone, with tattered future.

Think about a nation, fighting for survival.

Your battle is nothing!

Think about the goals to be achieved.

Do crazy, wild stuff that entertains you.

Bury the negative emotions, in paper and burn them,

Before they burn your relations.

Seek help

from trusted friends, and parents,

it's not weakness, to seek light in the darkness.

You are not alone, listen to other's story.

Changing weakness, to strength is a path to discover your potential.

Value yourself first, then give preference to others.

Never put yourself down for the sake of others.

You may be down, but life is a sine wave.

Be a warrior, Live for yourself.

Develop self-love, and self-respect

For understanding yourself better.

Communication is the key to existence, check your words

Be it of any form, including the pep talk.

When you survived, as an infant,

Why not as an adult?

Believe in change nature undergoes evolution. So do us.

Banish the beast, shut his words.

You have a long life, and achievements to follow.

Keep yourself busy and motivated with the stuff you love.

Not all battles can be won alone, explore your moves strategically,

With a professional partnership if required.

Many nations were saved while falling apart.

Win the battle, within you to redefine yourself.

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