Lavendar Cristatus

Abstract Inspirational


Lavendar Cristatus

Abstract Inspirational

The Train Journey

The Train Journey

2 mins

When melancholy reigns and when

The skies shed its melancholy rains

An escape is what the man takes

Into a slumber within the sombre 

Air of a long lumbering train. 

Of lamps that are lighted and

Of hope that is never doused,

Speaks the subtle whistles whilst it 

Jostles past the timeless tunnels; to

The blazing gaze of a distant sunshine.

The hope's for a sleep that never ends

And stops that are often missed 

Such that I might as well not get off

And to the night's mysteries be off.

Yet not for a moment shall I sleep

Lured by life's sights so deep.

O'er the railings of the train in run,

Patters the rain in silence shattered

And the leaves weave themselves into 

Endless quivers of endless vigor.

The meadows bestow their dainty dews 

Upon the roses set forth in swing 

On the wings of a wayward wind,

And the waters never cease to pour

Over the rims of rivers brimming ever,

As it takes with itself the fading fragrance

Of a summer's season long forgotten.

Whilst they wilt, the blossoms of some

Beautiful days, in hope of yet new ways

To wander into the newer wonders,

The shed of tears bedecks the buds 

In pearls of peace and gems of delight.

The wild's best berries and cherries<


Flushes amid the flurry of redness

And richness and bliss unleashing sugar

That melts into the lilts of a skylark's

Dream enriching magical melodies.

As the mind tosses to and forth

Among the waves bathed in froth,

The unfinished fantasies of a

Train thats's halted at immortality,

In retrospect I accept, life's all about

Sights that dash and lights that flash

Before the railings of the train in run.

The faster it runs, nearer I'm to nowhere

And the slower it paces amid the mazes

Of beauty, gaiety and ever revered reveries,

The nearer and nearer I get to aims 

That are aimlessly reached and ways

That are mindlessly trodden in trance.

Never for a moment shall I sleep,

For, the fear of the fall restrains never,

The mind that endlessly drifts; swiftly away

Into seas that stretch in search of speech

And yet yield it in the silence of shores.

Awake do I stay, in drowsy dreams,

For the love of a weep in the rain,

When one feels not alone and in vain.

Still one dawn, even the endless halt 

To give way to the haunting fall.

Yet not for a moment shall I sleep

For the fear of a fall that awaits.

Autumns're bright and the bareness's rich.

And vast are the skies and short the rains

Vast are the ways and short the trains.

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