The Teacher And The Taught
The Teacher And The Taught
As the Teacher took His place,
Under the Peepal tree,
Eager faces did he see,
To know,
To Learn,
To go within,
To that infinite space
To know how to Be!
As his soft voice,
Floated words of wisdom,
Of the knowledge
That was handed down,
To Him,
He shows us
A way to connect to the teacher inside us
To ignite the fires of learning,
To open up to the Bliss
That lies dormant,
Seek it not in the mountains
And rivers,
He says,
Seek it not in plains
And seas,
Seek it not in places and people outside of you,
Seek it in the depth of your soul,
In the silence within.
Tuning into His frequency,
Practicing his teachings,
The Ultimate Reality,
Fills the void,
The all-pervading Bliss,
And then there's nothing more,
Or less!