The Solitary Solitaire
The Solitary Solitaire
Me pining for company of someone who does not care for me
Has been trending all of my life
Just that earlier, I was innocent and so much just in my affairs what we say just doing me
And once I got free of myself to wander and see what was going around me
Did I realize how lonely I had always been all my life
What seemed real was a total situation of disconnect all around
Just that it was all about how much I felt connected to everyone around
It has always been a one-way street of connection
And when efforts minimalized to zero from my side that was the end of that relation for me
But it took me a hell long of a time for it to be zero
It reduced so very gradually for May be fear of losing and being left alone
>That fear lurked all around me like a cloud and also, I was in denial for so long
Fighting battles for acceptance from all
Sacrificing my life and giving it all
For hope of acceptance that never came
Only that one day when I accepted the rejection with a heavy heart
But did not have any more courage to give it one more try
To walk that never ending barren path again in the illusion of love being given to me selflessly without inhibitions
I got tired and exhausted of it all
Love is an elixir worth living
But can't be got by effort or intent
It has to come from the universe as a reflection of the love in our hearts for ourselves
To make our soul shine like a solitaire
Solitary and yet so rare