Saffu Saffu



Saffu Saffu


The Purest Form Of love

The Purest Form Of love

1 min

When the whole world was new and fresh to me

There came a gentle hand to guide through,

And her face lit up with a bright glee,

Nothing seemed known, I had no clue.

Then she held me in her protective arms

Where I felt soundness and a safe future;

On everything, she taught me the hidden charms,

None of her words I understood, but the gesture.

When she took me to different places and sites

Everything appeared new and I was sunny;

Surrounded by dark and thrilled by lights,

I grinned as if everything looked funny.

Yet, I did not know what to call her,

To my life’s purpose, she acted as a spur.

Whenever I open

ed my cute baby lips

Her ears expected something out of it;

I babbled – she gave me speaking tips,

I tried to repeat her, yet followed up only a bit.

Crept and crawled all the way around the land

That made her feel like an achievement I did,

With the fear of hitting something - wherever I wandered,

She came after to take care of this infant kid.

Her love, care, patience, kindness, and humility-

That I was awe-struck with all her values;

As a fulfillment of her expectation, I had an ability

To utter the word “Ma”- vanishing all her blues.

So long as I can breathe, she is the only one -

Whom I can call “MOM” in my long run.

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