Yukta Ranjalkar



Yukta Ranjalkar


The Lost And Found

The Lost And Found

2 mins

I still remember the day as if it were yesterday

When, ten years ago, you approached the Literature class of 19-year-olds, sweating and nervous

And the teacher said, "This is Lorenzo, the new student, he will be joining us today."

I couldn't help but stare, as you tried to smile towards the class, 

And then you looked at me,

I couldn't stop looking at you, and you couldn't stop looking at me.

You chose the empty seat across mine.

I was still looking at you, like an idiot, and you were too, while the teacher continued reading out from 'The Old Man and the Sea'

You approached me in the break,

We talked on and on about life, family, friends, science, and love

And we were soon mates, we saw each other every day.

It was a little hard to admit, but I kn

ew I was falling in love.

And then you approached me that one fateful day and said, "I just want to tell you something, Margaret."

And you told me how much you loved me from the day we met in the class

My heart was so full of enjoyment and love, but it was empty once again when you uttered,

"I am moving to LA." It was so far away from London.

I couldn't stop my tears, 

They went on for weeks before and after you left.

You tried to comfort me with all flowers and words of kindness,

I told you, "I will never find anyone like you." Oh, but you were too modest.

I'm sure, honey, your heart leaped, because mine did,

When we saw each other at the cafe the other night,

And you did love me as I do to you,

Now that we are married for two years.

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