
There are some people
I can’t thank enough
Who make me feel more like myself
Than even being alone does,
Like my closest friends
Whom I call home
They listen to my dreams, see me struggle
Between perfection and reality
And still choose to call me theirs
They see through me
To see this person, this beautiful someone, whom I become unaware of,
Be grateful to the ones
Who give the fiercest hugs
The kind where neither wants to let go
Turning it into the best feeling in the whole damn world
And I feel warm, ohh so loved,
The baby who smiles at me
From its mother’s arms
And holds its outstretched arms
o leap into mine
Life’s problems give away at that moment,
Watch from the sidelines, not needed here.
And not forgetting those who still write handwritten letters
Thinking about the person they are writing to smiling inwardly,
Varying emotions,
Feelings caught in words,
And the raindrops that slide down panes
A sunset after a gloomy day
My grandmother’s kisses and hot chocolate
An extra marshmallow
Someone to peek over the mug at
Snowfall on a slow afternoon
A fleeting glance with a stranger
The wind that has brought me here
A poem to fall in love with
A song to dream of
And the morning mist that makes me smile.