The height of my views gave him the message of daylight and sunshine
Why are those eyes still asleep by counting false nightmares
The deafening waves come and bury the ocean in the beach
But these are futile attempts, life is hidden in the sea!
This is the desert of life, its flower buds not yet bloomed
Just if a crook of pen opens, then suddenly there will be self-awareness
My heart is sad, the evening is red, my sighs are steamy and fiery
Sweating is a bliss and breezy night is l
ike your touch
This fragrance of Khus is the heart's content
And its coolness is tremendously killing
One of these is like a wreath on your hair
And one is same as the shadow of your eyelashes
The heart is burning and the therapist is an iceberg
Life is quiet thinking of her fragility and just counting days!
When piety is honourable and goodness is the nation's privilege
Then Rustum, king of all time will surely be born!
Khus is an ancient Eastern perfume delicacy.