
I know you, I admire you.
I know you, I belong to you
I love you, give me a choice.
You love me with a choice.
You smile, it invites dawn,
You smile, it melts rocks.
You smile, flowers feel shy,
You smile, oceans look dry,
You smile, the moon’s not bright.
You smile, the sun loses its light.
You smile, I am full.
You smile, the world is beautiful.
You smile, I forget to cry.
.You smile, angels don’t fly.
>You are the Master, You are the Masterpiece.
A history not so often repeated.
If Love has form, its none but Yours
You are Love personified.
A form to the formless,
Quite an impossible task,
Did you make it possible, how?
How do you define the infinite?
You are love. You are care.
You are happiness. You are bliss.
I accept God, only as You
Love You, respect You, ask me to die for You.
Your smile just set me free
You smile, that’s why, I smile