Fair Life
Fair Life

Fair life
You say I should love Life,
Who will hate it then?
You say I should respect Life,
Who will ridicule it then?
If Life were a journey,
It would never end.
If Life were a droplet,
Won’t it always blend?
What defines Life is something I wonder,
I say it’s demanding,
You say it’s commanding,
He says it’s compromising.
Demanding or commanding,
Not compromising it is.
Life teaches not to worry.
Life teaches not to suffer.
Life teaches to make occasions,
And not wait for the world to right.
>I won’t give you, snatch it from me.
Whoever gets who waits?
I can’t take it, I don’t deserve it.
Life is a harmony of sounds,
A symphony which we create ourselves.
One wrong chord,
The harmony is disturbed.
One chord missed,
Can’t go back to it again.
Soles produces music
So does a choir.
In a choir ‘I’ is not there.
Soles is made of ‘I’.
Life is never unfair,
I just don’t know where the fairness lies. But who says,
It is not good this way?
Light has no meaning,
If not preceded by darkness.
And lips don’t smile,
If not moistened by tears.