

1 min




Fathomable indeed it is, when I say,

He lights the ignited.

He brings back to life the living

He cleanses the clean.

He nourishes the nourished.


I am here for a cause,

Which the mortals comprehend not,

Work undone needs to be done,

The immortal is to be set free.


Burden I have been carrying,

Can’t take anymore,

Distance I have been traveling,

Can’t travel anymore.


I was lost.

He came.

He came to find me.

He came

to set me free.


Take me with you,

As home is what I crave.

Take me with you,

I don’t want to come back.


Emotions bind me.

Relations bind me.

And binds me the worldly pleasures.


I stop for them, I don’t know why.

I come back for them, they are mine.


Caught I am, don’t know what to do.

Oh Savior! Oh Master!

Enough I have had can’t take anymore.


Take me in your arms,

Let me discover myself,

Let me be one with You,
Let me find freedom in You.

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