

2 mins


Those beautiful vast stretches of endless blue,

Rivalled only by the sky


So much to learn from a river

Some flow fast, speeding along,

With constant swells, churns and bumps along the way

Just like many of us speed along our lives,

Constantly rushing,

Fighting, struggling our way to the top

Thinking we are speeding to success and happiness,

But often actually speeding right past it

Some flow slowly, taking their time, smoothly cruising along

Just like the lives of people who love their jobs,

Who take their time,

Who enjoy the journey of life,

Relish the smallest joys and pleasures,

Cruising along smoothly,

Not trying to rush towards happiness and success, but simply waiting for it to come to them


So much to learn from them

A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but because of its persistence

It keeps pushing, slowl

y, slowly, one step at a time,

The rock keeps sending, forcing it back,

Yet it keeps coming back and hitting the rock again,

More determined each time, moving forwards just that teeny little bit,

Because it knows that it has all the time in the world

If not today, if not tomorrow, someday it will arrive at its destination


So much to learn from them

They are never biased

Being the elixir of life to all creatures,

Big and small, meek and bold, prey or predator

Anyone can drink, swim, or bathe in its refreshing waters

Because to a river, there is no scarcity,

Only abundance,

For, as water leaves the river, more water comes to take its place


So much to learn from them

One learns peace, idleness, persistence, enjoying the journey rather than the destination


So much to learn from them

We should visit them more often, and stare at them for longer

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