Agrata Verma 🌈



Agrata Verma 🌈


Remembering Grandma

Remembering Grandma

1 min

You showed me stars in the night sky,

Every night I gaze at that star and say 'Hi!'.

Because I never knew you would turn into one,

Is there somebody to share my feelings to now? None.

You knitt'ed' cozy sweaters for me in winters,

That 'ed' still makes me cry, and even worse.

Your promises turned into past tense,

But I can still feel your presence.

Your round spectacles and favourite orange saree,

Your lip smacking and legendary biryani.

All y

our habits turned into past tense,

Your and my attachment cannot be framed into a sentence.

You scolded me whenever I pinched Didi,

But you should know, neither was she 'seedhi'.

I hate people when they put 'late' before your name,

'Cause now, nothing feels the same.

I hope this letter of mine reaches to you high up in the sky,

I have tried as hard as I could try.

'Cause all of it sudeenly turned into past tense,

Everything changed into remembrance.

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