

1 min

She says that she is happy,

But deep inside she is not.

Well, how could she be,

She isn't happy with whatever she is doing.

The family says that they understand her

But they won't say anything.

Her talents have been known,

And she thinks that she could achieve something.

She is an aspiring writer,

But her writing skills are known as a source to compete competitive exams.

She doesn't want to go in the fields restricted by her family,

But she has to go,

As it is too late now.

She wants to fly in those heights somehow.

She has stopped thinking a

bout it.

She has stopped talking about it.

She is trapped here, but she is good,

But all this will be gone,

And once again the pain will be on.

How hard it is.

If only someone could knew how broken she is.

How hard it is to survive her pain

How hard it is to understand that she has nothing to gain.

She doesn't want anything from this life,

Not even this life.

She is surviving for that thing which she doesn't even want to.

But soon a day,

All those scars will be washed away.

The pain won't last long,

There will be dusk after every dawn.

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