Tulasi Naveen

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Tulasi Naveen

Drama Tragedy Inspirational



1 min

"Orphans, without parents,

the burden of responsibility

falls on their own shoulders. 

They grow up reading,

 writing, and playing,

but their dreams are shattered. 

They have to navigate

 through life's challenges,

 facing storms and winds, 

with no one to guide them.

In this uncertain state,

they struggle to find direction. 

Let us not deceive their 

young minds, which are

 like soft wax, and instead, 

extend a helping hand 

to support them. 

May their path be smooth,

 and may they grow up

 without worries, 

with each of us taking 

responsibility for their care."

Sindhu Bhargava. 

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