My Hero
My Hero

When in silence you sit to bear the load
When in silence your mind travels alone
When in silence a prayer you said alone
Was just so that I might live today
When in silence your heart ached for me
So to make ends meet for all
Never did you once give up on me
Mischievous my life did take a toil
Never did you forsake me
Misfortunes in my life it did break your heart
On bended knees never did you give up on praying for me
Just in time reality dawn
ed that it was all my own doing
I took another look at my life and moved on with a detour in my walk
Today a strong tower I stand so proud and tall
Am a stronger version of my misfortunes that gave me strength
Your prayers mother dear has been the driving force
I owe it all to you for in your struggles I learnt to be strong
Your tears-built strength and perseverance in me
Your prayers have given me wings to soared above my doubts and fears
Thank you my hero my queen mother dear