And we skedaddled back again, And didn’t sack Phil-del. And we skedaddled back again, And didn’t sack Phil-del.
Look at the birdie squeak With a worm in its beak Look at the birdie squeak With a worm in its beak
Brawn as tougher than mountains, Steed as faster than an arrow, Brawn as tougher than mountains, Steed as faster than an arrow,
I write not to win, I write not to pin, I write not to win, I write not to pin,
The poem talks about making a wish about welcoming a new member. The poem talks about making a wish about welcoming a new member.
I pushed myself with all my might Spreading my wings for my best flight Up and away I could fl... I pushed myself with all my might Spreading my wings for my best flight Up...