Let's leave this City
Let's leave this City

Let's leave this city,
where the buildings scrape the sky,
Where the people hustle,
and the traffic never dies.
Let's leave the noise behind,
and the endless rush,
And escape to a place
where we can hear the hush.
Let's leave this city with its bright neon lights
And venture out into the starry tranquil nights,
Where the only sound we'll hear is the rustling trees
trong>And the gentle whispers of the evening breeze
Let's leave this city, with its crowded streets
And find a place where nature and solitude meets,
Where we can breathe in the fresh, clean air
And forget about the world, and all its cares..
Let's leave this city, and discover something new
A place where we can be ourselves, and start anew
Let's leave behind the noise, the chaos, the strife
And embrace a simpler, quieter, more peaceful life.