Zyra Gee Porlares
And then it hit me, maybe you just wanted me to be more like her
I love You Or...
We Are
Run Run Run
A Moment
Questions Rai...
I Miss You
Tell Me
The promise shows the beginning of a new life of a girl after tying the knot. The promise shows the beginning of a new life of a girl after tying the knot.
Tell me why sips of your whiskey alternate between someone's memories and your future. Tell me why sips of your whiskey alternate between someone's memories and your f...
I knew your love, I now know your hate. I hate that I loved you and still ache to speak with you, ye... I knew your love, I now know your hate. I hate that I loved you and still ache t...
I want to travel to the core of your head... I want to travel to the core of your head...
It all started around November 2019, A deadly virus coercively named covid-19. It all started around November 2019, A deadly virus coercively named covid-19.
Let each mind hold the words of bards from yonder lands.... Let each mind hold the words of bards from yonder lands....
I am young, forever, under this sky. I am young, forever, under this sky.
You held my hand, led the way, Walked with me on the rough pathway. You held my hand, led the way, Walked with me on the rough pathway.
The poem shows that life gives us second chance. The poem shows that life gives us second chance.
Pollution is a terrible thing, Only problems does it bring, Pollution is a terrible thing, Only problems does it bring,
The poet is broken, shattered and is in pain. The poet is broken, shattered and is in pain.
Loving him was red, Losing him was blue as I become colorful till noon... Loving him was red, Losing him was blue as I become colorful till noon...
You become the best verse I ever quoted You become the best verse I ever quoted
Your insolent gaze was too high, so you were wrecked Your insolent gaze was too high, so you were wrecked
And what if I say you are a sanctified flower on a gloomy night And what if I say you are a sanctified flower on a gloomy night
The poem shows a helpless woman killing herself as she wants to get free of the blame. The poem shows a helpless woman killing herself as she wants to get free of the ...
From womb to the world - a woman is nowhere safe... From womb to the world - a woman is nowhere safe...
With this self-advocacy and self consoling Able to settle-down after some time Able to manage crucia... With this self-advocacy and self consoling Able to settle-down after some time A...
My supreme control. However, this time, I willingly opened the gate. My supreme control. However, this time, I willingly opened the gate.
Will my dream remain forever a dream? Will my dream remain forever a dream?