It Is Raw..Shall We Draw..

It Is Raw..Shall We Draw..

1 min

The canvas is blank, 

We can't leave it vacant.

It is raw..Shall we draw? 

The canvas not meant to remain bare,

Had it so been intended,

The methods to have it filled,

Would not have originated.

Empty it will look bleak, designed it will look sleak,

Let us choose the style,

Pastel or or oil?

Former or latter?

It really doesn't matter,

But the painting should look better.

The pencil is here,

Let us sketch it black or grey.

The color is here,

Let us paint from the brush or spray,

The purpose is to create some work fine,

To gladden the heart of mine.

Even if it is not picture perfect..Even if it has some defect,

This will be the find,

That will please the mind.

Acknowledgement is not the goal,

It is the contentment of the soul.

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