I imagine his mouth; the ghosts under his tongue Slide through the cracks of his teeth I imagine his mouth; the ghosts under his tongue Slide through the cracks of ...
I am not supposed to want you, I am not supposed to care and yet I keep dreaming of all that we c... I am not supposed to want you, I am not supposed to care and yet I keep dream...
Tiny hands created to take on a burden Larger than anyone could ever imagine create t Tiny hands created to take on a burden Larger than anyone could ever imagine ...
World without globe Is impossible to imagine World without globe Is impossible to imagine
If I were the Indian Wonder Woman, I would be wary of the talk shows... If I were the Indian Wonder Woman, I would be wary of the talk shows...
Go on spread your wings and fly. Don't be scared if people look as they pass by. Go on spread your wings and fly. Don't be scared if people look as they pass ...