I Remember
I Remember
I remember the moment when you said, "I Love You".
I remember the moment the first time you kissed me.
I remember the moment you held and comforted me after my anxiety attacks.
I remember the moment when you said my chest is your peaceful place.
I remember the moment we shared each other's secrets.
I remember the moment of giggling when I said something stupid!
I remember the moment when you fulfilled every wish of mine at your utmost, though they were childish.
I reme
mber the time when I cried in front of you and you held me tightly.
I remember the time when we first made love.
I remember the moment when you planned to live in after two years.
I remember the time when you said I was your one and only and kissed on my forehead.
I remember the time when you started to spend less time with me.
I remember the time when you became irritated when I asked you for your commitment.
I remember the time when you finally said, you can't be with me.