
Boredom is the emptiness,
Filled with insistence.
Life is running on the track of boredom,
Which is not due to anyone.
It provides a new definition to one,
And makes them a lucky one.
This stage provides a new era,
Which is not noticed in an ere.
A blushing emotion came as fate,
And leaves behind a big slate.
One can touch a lustrous sky,
And also let us face the intensive shy.
Because it's just t
he part of you,
It lets us think we get it very clear.
But no one is their in your comprehensive sphere.
It's all that you had to bind them,
But they are the part of your frame.
There is something to one,
Who provide it's feeling for anyone.
You can try a even shit and fit,
But you will only get is shit,
shit and only shit.
There is something for every being,
Try boredom it's the real heaven remaining for seeing.