Best Friend
Best Friend
*Best Friend*
O , my dear heart
Never search , never search
He is with me on my mind .
I searched him by chance.
I prayed for him .
I wanted to him .
He was in front of me
from my childhood
When i was unable to utter the word 'Maa' .
All the time he is with me
from morning to night .
But i can't recognise him at all .
It hurts me, it forces me to do bad .
But it gives me a lesson of life.
It shows me the truth.
O my bored heart
don't search him<
focus on him.
Yes , he is my best friend.
From my early childhood,
Who never leaves me.
Yes, he is my True Friend
He is my teacher
Who taught me the difference between right and wrong.
Yes it is my every mistake
Who is my best friend,
Helps me to grow .
Every mistake of life
Changes us entirely
It makes us strong .
Who can show me the reality
Who can show me the dark sides of life .
Yes , he is my best friend
My every mistake of life.