Beauty Rises With Dawn
Beauty Rises With Dawn
How do you know exactly
Where I am on this sphere
And outer space if you are
Not him and why would you
Prefer to be millions miles
Away?! One should not come
Inside the red zones of others
Give space to take space
Inviting a bull to hit you is
As dangerous as being a
Part of the vicious circles
You asked for it always!
How do you have love letters
Double signed by your past
If you are not the one yourself
Who received it decades ago
I have plenty of love letters
And I stopped going out after
and couldn't go to buy
But created things by myself
For you, the pictures of love,
Perfumes, CD and sweet date
Rather than appreciation for
Gifts, you analyzed if it's bought
New or old, not giving much
Thought to message it carried
"Beauty rises with dawn" but
You are a dreamer and see
The Dawn even before it comes
And so the punishment of a
Dreamer is, dawn comes early!
Love burns everything except
The beloved but you kept me
Inside the Inferno, while yourself
Swimming in sweet waters
And giving love lessons to life!