If I were a Superhero, I showed my highest potential... If I were a Superhero, I showed my highest potential...
My mind is often pestered with this one question, Why am I so very inefficient? (everytime)... My mind is often pestered with this one question, Why am I so very inefficien...
I hate the mirror a little more.... I hate the mirror a little more....
I am okay to wear Saree instead of Shorts and Tees, Are you ready to wear Dhoti instead of Shorts a... I am okay to wear Saree instead of Shorts and Tees, Are you ready to wear Dhoti...
Priya the cheerful younger sister Is not interested in a Mister Too much for a middle clas... Priya the cheerful younger sister Is not interested in a Mister Too mu...
Breaking the boundary of stereotypes I witnessed a stellar achievement Breaking the boundary of stereotypes I witnessed a stellar achievement