Sania Bafna recently turned eighteen. She has been writing since she was eight. (So, you can say more than half her life!)
What makes writing special is the fact that it is her oldest, most treasured pastime, and what makes this book special is the fact that it is her first novel.
When she's... Read more
Sania Bafna recently turned eighteen. She has been writing since she was eight. (So, you can say more than half her life!)
What makes writing special is the fact that it is her oldest, most treasured pastime, and what makes this book special is the fact that it is her first novel.
When she's not writing she blasts music to annoy her sister; paints and sketches, read weird facts about psychology.
Sometimes forgetting to keep her books in their place she hops on to watch Netflix until her little sister calls her for a story and making weird fantasies for her younger sister, she ends up writing a published novel and other stories. Read less