As the clouds claimed the clear moonlit sky, she wondered if the universe had just experienced a deja vu.
"What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi "What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi
It's not everyday that a five year old tells you that he'll save you from a ghost. Shall I, or shall... It's not everyday that a five year old tells you that he'll save you from a ghos...
All we can ever do is hope. All we can ever do is hope.
Life is all about living in the moment. Life is all about living in the moment.
Marriage is not always the solution. Marriage is not always the solution.
Because sometimes life takes away everything that we had. Because sometimes life takes away everything that we had.
Unrequitted love is the most painful kind of love. Unrequitted love is the most painful kind of love.
True love always finds its way. True love always finds its way.
Because, the expected is what keeps us steady. But, it is the unexpected that changes our lives fore... Because, the expected is what keeps us steady. But, it is the unexpected that ch...