A voracious reader, a connoisseur of art, literature and classical music, who loves pen, poetry & photography. 7th PEN IN BOOKS (2023) Young Author Awardee
Playing with words.. Playing with words..
Come, please come now, throwing all your pride with past, and wait for a while, Only for me. Come, please come now, throwing all your pride with past, and wait for a while, ...
I couldn't draw the picture, As your eyes are searching,... I couldn't draw the picture, As your eyes are searching,...
It's time to leaf, It's time to blossom... It's time to leaf, It's time to blossom...
The defeat of remembrance, The defeat of remembrance,
If these are not needed necessarily, Then how did it start its kingdom inside me, gradually? If these are not needed necessarily, Then how did it start its kingdom inside me...
Salvation is not needed for me, the difficulty of bothering. Salvation is not needed for me, the difficulty of bothering.
in life with time to achieve more and more. in life with time to achieve more and more.
Unless, Until, Up to ......Beyond the yearn and the woo. Unless, Until, Up to ......Beyond the yearn and the woo.