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The theft was not driven by greed or criminal intent but by the fierce love of a parent desperate to... The theft was not driven by greed or criminal intent but by the fierce love of a...
Heart full of wonder and gratitude Heart full of wonder and gratitude
He was a man of deep faith and believed that truth and non-violence were the keys to India's indepen... He was a man of deep faith and believed that truth and non-violence were the key...
The note read, 'Sorry, picked up the wrong twin'. The note read, 'Sorry, picked up the wrong twin'.
“I am in the business of empowerment. Milk is just a tool in that”. He couldn’t have expressed it be... “I am in the business of empowerment. Milk is just a tool in that”. He couldn’t ...
The fruits of freedom have not been distributed equally, but have been disproportionately available ... The fruits of freedom have not been distributed equally, but have been dispropor...
. When I was sixteen, I had beautiful thick black hair that touched my waist. . When I was sixteen, I had beautiful thick black hair that touched my waist.
Yes, Ankita was physically incapacitated. Her right leg was polio-affected and was thinner than the ... Yes, Ankita was physically incapacitated. Her right leg was polio-affected and w...
The Sinister Night The Sinister Night
There was little space for both of them under the umbrella. She was walking too close to him. There was little space for both of them under the umbrella. She was walking too ...